Catcha Imput Sites

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Captcha solving is a very easy way to make extra money online. But it pays very little. Captchas are usually images that contain distorted text that you need to answer before getting into a website to indicate that you are not a robot. Captchas help prevent automated bots from posting large numbers of messages, automating certain jobs and doing some suspicious activities.

Though there may be genuine Captcha sites (2captcha seems to be the best known one) and some genuine reasons to automate some functions, Captcha entering jobs can be considered unethical.

Captcha sites pay you to solve captcha puzzles. They collect images from the customer and send them to the worker in a simple interface where you need to enter the text correctly according to the shown images. The system will guide you through training tasks to show you what to do. You will be able to start solving captchas after about 5-10 minutes.

You earn money for each correctly entered captcha. For basic captchas, you are likely to earn $0.25 to $0.60 per 1,000 captchas solved. Solving 1,000 captchas could take about 1 to 2 hours. So this means that you can expect to earn $0.25 to $2 per hour.

2captcha pays $1 or $2 per 1,000 for solving ReCapture. The ReCaptcha v2 are the captchas that ask you to click on a box with the label “I’m not a robot.” Ticking the container can result in either automatically getting the green check mark or asking you to answer an image problem to verify you are a real person.

I don't recommend doing this type of work. It's easy work but you'll earn little and I'm not sure about the legalities involved. There are better ways to make money online.  But if you want to learn more about solving captchas, you can check out this post on Quora

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