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Get freelance, part-time, full-time
work from home jobs
Find Remote and Flexible Jobs with FlexJobs today!

- FlexJobs is a job search board that specializes in listing remote, freelance, flexible work from home jobs and freelance work. They specialize in jobs for people who want to work from home and have a flexible schedule. Every job they list offers work flexibility such as telecommuting, freelance, part-time or other flexible options.
- The job listings include part-time and full-time jobs and range from entry-level to executive positions.
- You can search jobs in 55 categories including transcription, captioning jobs, research, accounting, customer service, call center, education, marketing, and more.
- Get jobs with Amazon, Apple, American Express, Hilton, Aetna and more well-known companies.
- This is a great job board to find scam-free, work from home, remote jobs world-wide.
- Using this job board will help you find legitimate, hand-screened remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible jobs quickly, easily and safely.
- What makes this job board unique is that they thoroughly research and screen all the jobs and all jobs listed are 100% legitimate work from home so you don't have to be concerned about scams.
- This board is specialized in remote, freelance, flexible jobs so it will save you time as it can be time-consuming to go through other job boards that have a mix of positions.
- This is a great board to find management and IT positions.
- This job board has a good reputation and has been featured by many prominent news sources and publications, including TIME Magazine, WSJ, Forbes, USA Today, NBC and CNN.
- In addition to providing job listings, they also provide a lot of resources to help you in your job search.
- Try it out risk-free with their money-back guarantee. You can cancel anytime.
- People report that the majority of jobs are executive-level positions and few entry-level positions are available. It's a fact that corporations often only consider experienced workers for telecommuting jobs. And this may explain why there are more executive-level positions listed in a board that specializes in work from home jobs. TIP: If looking for an entry-level position, put “entry-level” in your search to save time and only find those kind of jobs.
- Many of the jobs posted on this board are also available through other boards. However, you'll have to wade through the other boards to find the work from home jobs and this board will save you time.
- This job board is NOT free.
Find legitimate, professional work-at-home jobs
in 50+ career categories with FlexJobs.
Save up to 30% at FlexJobs with code SAVE30 and find your new remote job.
Here are screenshots of searches I did for freelance transcription work and freelance proofreading work.
Save up to 30% at FlexJobs with code SAVE30 and find your new remote job.
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