Free Stock Photo and Image Sites
Where to get Royalty Free Stock Images and Photos for Your Blog and Social Media
Check out these free stock photo and image sites to get copyright-free stock photos and images. You can use royalty-free images on your website, blog and social media in many different ways. Every blogger needs unique, quality images for their blog and social media to attract visitors and grow their brand. Using beautiful images is the key to increase your traffic from social media.
Below are some of the best stock photo sites where you can get high-quality, royalty-free images.
You can search for stock images by keywords, by category and sometimes by color.
1 – Always read the license or terms of use as some stock photo sites have restrictions in how you can use their images and some don't allow you to use their images for commercial use.
2 – Make sure to add attention-grabbing headlines to your images for maximum exposure.
To add text to your images, you'll need to use a graphics program. Below are some of the easiest programs to use to create images for Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and other social media.
- Canva is probably the easiest tool to create compelling Pinterest images for people who don’t have a graphics background.
- PicMonkey is popular and easy-to-use graphics program many people use to create Pinterest and other social media images. It’s easy to add text and graphics to images + it includes a wide range of editing tools that are easy to use. Want to see what PicMonkey is all about?
Sign up for your free trial today!
DepositPhotos has free and paid images.
Deposit Photos has royalty-free stock photos, vector images and videos. They provide over 100 million high-quality royalty-free stock images and high-definition footage at the best prices to fill all your blogging needs.
I am a paid member of DepositPhotos and I'm using great images from their site. I joined them because I needed to find unique images for my blog and social media images that other people in my niche are not using.
I found good images on some of the free sites but other poeple in my niche are using them too so they aren't unique. If you see other poeple in your niche using the same images you are, then it's time to expand your search for unique images.
They have a variety of plans, including an on-demand plan (this is the one I have), a subscription plan and a flexible plan. Click here to check out the site.
Chamber of Commerce Find a Photo
I like this site because it lets you search many sites at once and saves you a lot of time.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress features items from the Library's digital collections that are free to use and reuse. The Library believes that this content is either in the public domain, has no known copyright, or has been cleared by the copyright owner for public use. Each set of content is based on a theme and is first featured on the Library's home page.
The digital collections comprise millions of items including books, newspapers, manuscripts, prints and photos, maps, musical scores, films, sound recordings and more. Whenever possible, each collection has its own rights statement which should be consulted for guidance on use. Learn more about copyright and the Library's collections.
Pexels is one of the best known image sites where you can find great quality photos.
Pixabay is one of the most popular image sites that offers a large quantity of quality images.

Unsplash is a popular stock photography website with a wide range of categories and some unique photos you don't see on other sites.
Provides high resolution images of a large variety of topics.
If you're looking for unusual images, check out this site!

Another site with great quality images.

Free stock photos for websites and commercial use.
Another great site with high quality free stock photos. I just discovered this site and love their images. Commercial use allowed. And attribution is not required.
Free feminine stock photo sites
for bloggers and entrepreneurs
I love the feminine stock images of Pixistock! You can get free stock photos every month. And, you'll get even more with the subscription, including more feminine stock photos, Canva templates and Instagram images. If you're looking for feminine stock images, this is a site you must check out. Check out Pixistock here.
Girl Boss Stock has a small selection of nice, free feminine images. Get 10 free images each month + you can buy additional images. Join the membership and get instant access to 1500 images.
This site is incredible! They have tons of super high-quality free photos, tips, instruction videos and more. This is by far my favorite photo site.
Stock photo membership includes 15 Canva templates monthly, 4000+ photos & graphics, access to all Ivory Mix courses
Canva templates for Pinterest and more from Ivorymix.
Haute Stock has gorgeous feminine stock photos for women bloggers and creative entrepreneurs. The membership gives you unlimited downloads.
Styled Stock – This site has beautiful free and paid feminine stock photos. Although the images are nice, I didn't like the Google ads covering up some of the content and you can't tell which images are free or paid until you click on them.
More free stock image sites
Check out these stock photo sites and use some of the free stock photos and images in your blog and social media promotions.
- Canva is probably the easiest tool to create compelling Pinterest images for people who don’t have a graphics background.
- PicMonkey is popular and easy-to-use graphics program many people use to create Pinterest and other social media images. It’s easy to add text and graphics to images + it includes a wide range of editing tools that are easy to use. Want to see what PicMonkey is all about?
Sign up for your free trial today!
Disclaimer: I only recommend products I believe in. If you purchase a product through a referral link, I will get a commission. It won’t cost you a dime extra, and it helps keep this blog going.