Making old content new again is just a matter of making a few edits, changes, and tweaks. When making these changes, your audience won’t feel as if they’ve already seen everything you have to offer. You can use these methods to update old blog posts, create new information products, or even to customize private label rights (PLR) content.
1 – Add Examples
Use screenshots, case studies, interviews and more to add examples to the original content to better explain the concepts you’re trying to get across to your audience.
Adding this information will make the content more complete whether it’s a blog post or PLR you purchased.

2 – Add or Change Graphics
Add graphics. If you used graphics in the original content, it’s best to change them.
If you have data-centric content, add an infographic. If you have “how to” content, take pictures of the steps to show how to accomplish the task.
I personally use Canva to design most of my images. It's the easiest graphic program I've ever used. Canva has a free and paid version.
Pic Monkey is another popular program. You may also want to hire a graphic designer to create professional-looking graphics for the new information product.
See a listing of free stock photos and images here.
To stand out from others in your field, you may also want to buy some images. I joined DepositPhotos to get unique images for my blog and social media images that other people in my niche are not using.
3 – Change Keywords

Change the keywords in the title, headers, subheaders and sentences with the keywords you’ve identified for this project.
When recreating the content, determine what your goals are for the blog post or the new information product. This will help you find the right keywords to use. Your title should reflect what you want to get across.
A fast way to replace keywords is by using the find and replace function in MS Word.

4 – Change the Order
If the original content is in paragraph form find ways to reorganize it such as by adding bullets, changing the order of the points in the content, and by paraphrasing bullet points to make it look and read differently.
Remember to consider how your audience will consume the info product. Try to make the order logical based on the way they’ll use it. For example, you may need to add steps that are understood in the content but seem to be missing in the new info product.
5 – Add an Intro and Conclusion
When you’re done with everything else, add an introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction, tell the audience what they’ll learn in the content.
In the conclusion, tell them what you taught them and how to proceed from here. Includes ACTION STEPS to take to get started doing what you’ve talked about in the info product, then you’re more likely to get people to act on it.

These tips work great for updating your own original content and for customizing PLR. You can make people and search engines believe that the content is unique and unrecognizable from the initial source.
It’s not tricking anyone and it isn’t any different from what teachers do when they teach information from a book to a class. Teachers use the book as a starting point and find a good angle to attack the information from based on their audience. You can do the same with your blog posts or information products.
- 19 Ways You Can Make Money with Private Label Rights Content
- 11 Types of Information Products You Can Create from Existing Content
- Private Label Rights Content Providers I Recommend.
- 12 Super Fast Easy Ways to Create Quality Blog Content Fast
- 5 Super Easy Ways to Customize a PLR eBook and Make it Unique
- 12+ Clever Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2020
- Recommended hosting for beginners: Bluehost.
- WordPress themes: ElegantTheme, GeneratePress, Genesis & Thesis – DIYThemes.
- Popular autoresponders: ConvertKit, Aweber, GetResponse, and MailChimp.
- The best online spelling and grammar checker: Grammarly.
- Best Pinterest scheduler: Try Tailwind with the free Tailwind trial.
- Easy-to-use software to design blog and social media images: Canva.
- 30 Surefire Ways to Build and Grow Your Email List Fast.
- Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.
Disclaimer: If you purchase a product through a referral link, I will get a commission at NO extra cost to you and it helps me to keep providing you with quality information.