Work from Home Business & Legal Transcription Jobs With Cambridge Transcriptions

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Cambridge Transcriptions offers corporate and legal transcription jobs from home.

Cambridge has work-from-home positions available for business and legal transcriptionists.  They are always looking for capable transcriptionists to join their staff and have part-time positions available on-site and off-site.

This is an established transcription company that has a good reputation with both their clients and workers. It is a great company to work for.

Qualifications needed for corporate transcription jobs with Cambridge

  • Cambridge Transcriptions has a constant demand for experienced transcriptionists to accurately transcribe electronic documents of audio- and video-recorded proceedings, lectures, discussions, interviews, webcasts, conference calls, and more.
  • Applicants must be good typists with a strong grasp of English grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, detail-oriented, and capable of following specific instructions.
  • You must be familiar with wordprocessing software and have experience using electronic transcription equipment.
  • Experience in transcribing legal, medical, or technical documents is especially useful.

To learn more about starting a work-at-home general transcription career,
Explore a career in GENERAL transcription with this FREE general mini-course

Qualifications needed for legal transcription jobs from home

  • Cambridge Transcriptions is very interested in A+ legal transcriptionists with proven experience in transcribing depositions, administrative hearings, and arbitrations.
  • They are always seeking highly skilled legal transcriptionists with a strong grasp of English grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, who are detail-oriented and capable of following very specific instructions.
  • Their ideal candidate has at least a year of proven legal transcription or court reporting experience.

Not sure if legal transcription is right for you?

Subscribe to this FREE LEGAL Transcription Mini-Course.
Find out what’s involved in becoming a legal transcriptionist, how you can learn legal transcription, how you can get started, what skills and equipment you need, and more.

If you are serious about doing transcription from home, check out this complete transcription starter kit at Amazon. The kit includes Express Scribe Pro transcription software, USB Foot Pedal and USB Transcription Headset!

How to apply for transcription jobs with Cambridge

Legal Transcription Free Mini-Course
Sign up to receive my free legal transcription mini-course and updates

Cambridge Transcription

  • To apply, email your cover letter, resume, and two to three redacted transcript samples to in Microsoft Word format to learn the next steps. In your cover letter, describe the type of legal proceedings you have transcribed.
  • Visit and follow their directions to apply.

Interested in transcription but need extra skills?

I recommend that you practice transcription and improve any skills you need to work on before applying for any transcription work and taking transcription tests.

Although formal training is not required for general transcription, I  strongly encourage beginners to take a good general transcription course. Taking a general transcription course will help you get started faster, make you a better transcriptionist, and give you the ability to get better-paid transcription jobs.

To get in-depth training for GENERAL transcription
I recommend Janet Shaughnessy’s detailed, online, multi-media, online GENERAL transcription course
This course includes typing drills, transcription skills, transcription formats, grammar skills, lots of practice files, and much more.

To get in-depth LEGAL transcription training, 
Check out this detailed, multi-media LEGAL transcription course I recommend.

Disclaimer: I only recommend products I believe in. If you purchase a product through a referral link, I will get a commission. It won’t cost you a dime extra, and it helps me to keep providing you with quality information.

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