Do you want to find out how to write faster and get more writing done in less time?
In this blog post, I'll cover 4 common mistakes that people make when they start writing. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a blog post, an ebook, or a novel. These mistakes will slow down your writing speed. To write faster and speed up your writing, you must avoid these mistakes at all cost.
The author, Stephen King, once said, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” This is so true. However, to be a good writer and write faster, you’ll also need to avoid making these 4 common mistakes that so many beginner writers make.
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1 – Editing while you write
This is probably the most common mistake writers make. People write a paragraph and then they read it and re-read it and keep making changes and edits to this paragraph trying to make it perfect. After thirty minutes, they’re still stuck on this one paragraph.
This is a waste of time and it’s counterproductive. You should never write and edit at the same time. There is a saying that goes, “Write without fear. Edit without mercy.”
What that means is that you should write without pausing to make corrections. You can always edit your writing once you’re done writing. The two tasks do not mix. Finish the writing first… and once it’s all done, then you can edit your content till you think it’s great.
If you’re the type of person that hates seeing the red and green squiggly lines in your word processor, just disable your spell checker and grammar checker and write without worry. Some people just can’t move forward if they feel that something needs to be fixed. This will solve that problem.
Need a good editor? Check out Grammarly.
2 – Not segmenting your activities
There may be different tasks that you need to do while writing. For example, if you need to write five articles on weight loss, you may need to think of topics and titles. The goal here is to get all these tasks completed first.
Do your work in bulk.
Do similar tasks at once. Prepare the 5 articles instead of just one. Complete all the research required for those articles at one go. Create all the outlines at one go. Do not make the mistake of researching the content for one article, then outlining it and writing it… only to go through the process again with the next article and so on.
Complete all the necessary tasks first before you sit down to write. Once you’re settled in to write… you only do one thing… you write. Period. If you do this, your writing will be much faster and less of a hassle.
3 – Failing to create outlines
This is another mistake. You absolutely must have an outline. You need to have an outline when writing an article, a listicle, a novel or any piece of content. Writing down a brief list of points or a plot outline will help you stay on track and prevent you from digressing.
Don't try to wing it as you go along. The outline will serve as a map with guideposts to make sure you cover whatever you need to while writing. It will keep you focused and you’ll get through your writing in record time.
Choose your article topic
- What will you write about?
- Who is your audience?
- What does the reader want to know about this topic?
- What do you want the reader to learn from this article?
- What is your point of view on this topic?
- Mention what you will talk about.
Main body/Topics and subtopics
Point 1
- What is it about?
- Why does it matter?
- Research, examples and/or quotes
- Takeaways
Point 2
- What is it about?
- Why does it matter?
- Research, examples and/or quotes
- Takeaways
Point 3
- What is it about?
- Why does it matter?
- Research, examples and/or quotes
- Takeaways
- Summarize what you talked about.
Call to action
4 – Not removing distractions

Generally, it’s best to write in a quiet place that’s free from distractions. Nowadays, many writers mention that they prefer to write in cafes and coffee shops. In fact, there is even a website that recreates the ambient sounds of a café so that people can listen to it and write better.
It may seem strange… but basically, you need to find out what works best for you. Ideally, you want to make sure that nothing interrupts your train of thought while writing.
Tell your family members not to disturb you. Place your mobile phone on silent or in another room. Turn off all social media or temporarily disconnect your Internet connection if you can’t resist the temptation of scrolling on Facebook.
When you write, you write. Eliminate distractions and focus. Keep writing until you’re done for the day and then you may pick up wherever you left off with other tasks and commitments.
Now that you’re aware of these four common mistakes, you should do whatever it takes to avoid them. You'll be able to speed up your writing and get more writing done in less time.
How to Become a Proofreader – FREE Introductory workshop for proofreaders by Caitlin Pyle.
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- How To Find Freelance Blogging Jobs.
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- 4 Common Mistakes That Will Slow Down Your Writing Speed.
Many writers are interested in getting proofreading jobs. Here are some articles about getting proofreading jobs.
- To learn more about getting proofreading work from home, how to become a proofreader, and what’s involved, check out this FREE workshop for proofreaders.
- How to Become a Proofreader.
- How to Get Freelance Proofreading Jobs
- What is the Difference Between Proofreading and Editing
- Skills You Need to Work from Home as a Proofreader
- What Do Proofreaders Actually Do?
- How to Work from Home Proofreading
- 10 Proofreading Tips To Become a Better Proofreader
- Remote Editing and Proofreading Jobs at Scribendi
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