Emotional marketing is a powerful tool you can use in all your marketing. Emotions play a bigger role than logic in making buying decisions.
If you can get your audience to think about things that trigger emotions – like happiness, longing, a sense of loss, and more, you can also trigger them to answer your call to action.
When you engage in emotional marketing, you’ll use trigger words to evoke specific emotions in your audience.
Words change the significance, attitude, and impulse of your audience to act. Words are important. They have meaning and you'll want to use them carefully in your marketing messages.
Know what words trigger emotion and action in your audience. Use words to focus on the benefits your product or service offers your audience.
There are 10 important emotions that you want to trigger in your marketing messages
You don’t have to trigger all these emotions in each message but try to use two or three to have a winning marketing message.
Let’s go over the 10 different emotions you can work on triggering in your audience, and how to go about it.
1. Competition

Everyone has a bit of a competitive streak.
You can trigger your audience’s competitive side by making them feel as if they might miss out.
If you’re only accepting five new customers for a particular offering, and you have a list of 500, it’s more than likely you’ll fill your roster within minutes of making the offer.
2. Community

People have a strong need to belong. We tend to flock together with people who are like us, and we like feeling included in a community. They will buy something that will make them a part of the community.
Here is an example to take a look at:
This ad from Procter & Gamble is a great example of eliciting feelings of community, belonging, and family.
If you can make your audience feel as if they’re part of something bigger than themselves by working with you or buying your products, you’ll create a customer for life.
3. Fear

Making your audience believe and realize that if they don’t act now they’ll miss out on the offer, or that they can’t live without your offer, will make your audience fearful that they’ll be less if they don’t have it.
Examples of fear of missing out: Use trigger words like Limited Time Offer – Only 2 Days Left. Hurry! – Don’t Miss Out – Limited Stock.
4. Indulgence

Not only do consumers want to feel indulged, they also want to be spoiled right now.
Example of indulgence words: indulgent, guilt, guilt-free, obsesses, lazy and ravenous.

People love instant gratification and if they know that help is on the way right now, and it’s free, they’re going to trade their email address for your free offer straight away. For example, people love templates, reports, checklists, ebooks, and other freebies they can download instantly. Take advantage of this to build your list!
5. Guilt

Eliciting guilt is not hard to do. You can use guilt in your marketing efforts if you can come up with a slant.
For example, if you are selling a work-from-home business idea, you could appeal to the guilt of mothers and fathers who must leave the home to work.
6. First Adoption
People like to be the ones who lead the way in choosing new products, technology, and services.
Make the audience feel special and smart about their choice to buy your products or use your services.
7. Popularity
People like to be part of the “in” crowd. They want to be like their heroes. If you can offer them a way to do that, you have succeeded in making them feel like a trendsetter who is ahead of their peers and one step above others.
8. Time
Often times what you’re really selling is time.

If you are more explicit in the language you use regarding time (for example by using words like “now”), you can evoke feelings that make the audience feel that the time to buy what you’re offering is now.
For example, use trigger words like “Act now to completely change your life in the next 10 minutes…”
You don’t want to lie, but you do want to give it to them straight and tell them exactly what their benefits are for acting now.
9. Value
If you can prove your value and that you’ll save them time, money, or something else, your audience will want to give you a try. This is your chance to under-promise and over-deliver.
10. Trust
Trust is the most important emotion you want to trigger in marketing.
Trust is the one emotion that makes your audience want to give you money. If you can get this one thing right you can explode your business.
Getting your audience to trust you is the one emotional marketing trick that you want to exploit and get right. Money is very personal and your audience must trust you to give you some of it. Here's how to earn that trust.
Developing trust is a process; it’s a long-term marketing strategy that will pay off again and again. When you get just one person to trust you, they will tell ten others, and those ten others will each tell ten more people. The trust will spread far and wide.

Using words like “guaranteed”, “full refund” and similar will help your audience trust you more.
When it comes to marketing, trust is possibly the most powerful way to get more business. People don’t want to open their wallets if they don’t trust you. Prove them right when they buy from you.
People are careful about trusting people, websites, blogs, and products online because there are many scams out there. They follow someone for a while before they purchase from them. You have to show that you provide value and that you really care about your audience.
If you want clients to follow you, like you, trust you, and eventually buy from you, they need to know you. This means that you have to build an email list!
Using trigger words to elicit the emotions you want your audience to feel will go far in helping you develop your marketing messages.
Words and phrases like “act now”, “bonus”, or “breakthrough” will work to get your audience into the mood you want them in to receive your messages.
I recommend creating a swipe file of power words and phrases that you can use when you want to trigger emotion in your audience.
Fill in the form below to get my list of emotional trigger words.
- Domain name registration: godaddy.com and namecheap.com
- Hosting: Bluehost and SiteGround.
- WordPress themes: ElegantTheme, GeneratePress and Genesis.
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